A late night venture into electro (or someone other e-genre) using the LinnStrument with U-he Bazille’s per-note expression and Logic Pro X’s Drummer. Everything played in one take without editing and using a single synth patch.
Vo-96 Guitar Noodle with Bias and Filtatron
Noodled around today with my Vo-96 Taylor guitar, plugged into the iPad through the Apogee One and processing the sound with the Bias virtual amp and Moog Filtatron.
‘Is there anybody out there?’ with Vo-96
Got my Vo-96 acoustic synthesizer today and felt that this was a song that fits it well. This is recorded completely acoustically without any effects, electronic or digital sound generation.
This Is Not The End (original instrumental with Animoog 2 and Eigenharp)
A first composition with Animoog 2 and my Eigenharp Alpha. I’m using a single sound patch in Animoog that totally changes based on how I touch the keys on the Eigenharp. The sound ranges from something akin to a polyphonic theremin to percussive glass sparkles as well as everything in between. This patch was based … Continue reading
Sometimes Is Not Enough (original with Slim Phatty and Eigenharp)
This is an original composition, played live on the Eigenharp Alpha and looped for some parts.
Same Place Again (2011, Live)
Here’s a recording of “Same Place Again” our first original song on the Eigenharp Alpha, played live in a small pub in Charleroi, Belgium. Hope you like it!